Group Question
How Did We Use The Internet?
The Internet was a vital piece of technology that has helped us throughout the whole process of the development of our coursework for both the main and ancillary task. The first use of the internet was for the research in to music videos and then more deeply into the music genre our group was going to focus on. Global site YouTube has helped our group massively as we were able to load up specific videos that related to our genre and analyse them and take key conventions out of them. If we did not have access to a video site that shows music videos, then we would have had to have sat in front of a TV and analyse the videos that we were given, something that may not have even been beneficial to our genre of music. As well as this, the internet meant that our research in to our ancillary tasks was genre appropriate and that we carefully analysed the images that were on the screen. For example, from looking at adverts for Rihanna we realised that the artist is always in the forefront of the advert. We were also able to look at the house style between album artwork and magazine adverts, thus keeping our brand identity. Using the internet enhanced our knowledge into the music industry, and if we did not have access to this, then our research stages would have been heavily delayed. As well as researching just in to music videos themselves, we also were able to use the internet to aid us in how to construct one ourselves. Before the project was tasked to us, none of us knew how to operate Final Cut to a standard that was required, and the internet had many videos and forums that we were able to locate and heighten our knowledge. Without the internet in the research stages of our coursework, we would never have been able to identify how to professionally construct an appropriate media package that has a consistency with the music video. The internet was also used in the planning stages of our coursework. Before we set off and started to film anything, we had to plan where we were going to go and the use of google maps enabled us to easily identify where it was we were going to film Another key website that was fully taken advantage of was Blogger. The website allowed us to ‘blog’ our stages of our work in a neat and professional manner where we have access to other peers studying the same course, which is ideal for product feedback. This use of communication helped us to identify weaknesses and improve the quality of our video and ancillary tasks. The website allowed us to exhibit all of our work which is a fantastic way to place work as the media is becoming more and more dependent on the internet. If we did not have use to blogger, then we would have had to written the whole of the coursework by hand, which would have been time consuming and messy. Other internet sites such as prezi and viemo were used. Prezie, which was useful in our planning stages was effectively used as it displays a presentation style piece of work in an aesthetic way, and vimeo was used to upload our final cut and showcase our video as it was of a higher quality than uploading it to YouTube or as an mp4 format. Without the internet and the sites that are available we would not have been able to produce such a media rich portfolio throughout all of the stages of the coursework.
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